Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Max doing a fine impression of Burp Munro - the before and after photos!


Maxine Cook said...

Yo, except for..... they're the wrong way round. I morph INTO a grinning legless cheshire cat...

Savage Girl said...

Hey Max, so great to hear you're going to live your dream - you go girl!
Wishing you all the best for the Big Adventure.
I'll definitely keep my eye on your blog to see how you're doing and how many innocent young boys you've de-flowered!
Live it large!
Bri xoxox

Anonymous said...

Guess who?

Kerry going with you or is this a solo? :-)

Those feet still ichy as ever then, good on you.

Maxine Cook said...

Its a solo, you "anonymous" person, you! Three of us doing it together: me, myself and I. :)

Maxine Cook said...

Now, now, Bri!!! Lets not have all these lovely respectable Blog visitors wandering off wth the mistaken impression that I'm a cherry- hunting conquisita! Was thinking more along the lines of nice boys with bikes that I can chase n race...