The Good is that the Bomb is set to go tomorrow morning and we should be in Albany New York at Candy's place by tea time. I'm looking forward to that. There are puppies there.... The test ride went well today, all is fantastic, after a twelve hour battery charge, and in the heat of the New Hampshire summer, where the pavement shimmers, it was a really nice feeling to ride with just a cami top on, albeit with leather jeans and boots. I called into a local Honda shop and bought some vented gloves today, as the leather ones I brought with me are WAAAAAYYY too hot. Its only gonna get warmer as I head west, so maybe the leather jacket will end up bungeed to the back of the Bomb, too. Unfortunately, however Sponge-Max-Sweaty-Pants I end up getting, the leather jeans and boots won't be negotiable. I'm not that crazy.
The Bad is that I must leave Gwyn and Mac, Gordon and the very beautiful Lucy-dog and Evie dog, both of whom have puppykissed me almost to death since I've been here. They know I'm leaving tomorrow, so they have long little faces, and tenfold cuddles. Its like walking away from your family, and it will be hard to do. Mac and Canuck are going to ride with me as far as Vermont, which is nice, and then I'm left to my own devices which will be a little scary, but exciting. Its what I came for, after all. Let me at that highway!!!
The Very Very Ugly is the fact that although I invited the timewasting negligent losers I shipped my bike with from New Zealand to make good on their F**K UP and refund the twelve hundred bucks or so that I paid them in good faith for what's turned out to be a shambles of a service, which any company worth its salt would acknowledge, their managing director (no capital letters deresved here, folks) has elected not to do that, opting to ignore the consequences of his company's incompetence instead. Their argument, pathetic as it is, is that they already coughed up extra to get the Bomb trucked when she "should have been railed". Yeah, whatever. Open a**, insert head. If it goes up far enough, the words "breach of contract" aren't even heard, are they?
But in spite of all that shyte, we're mobile, we're on the move, me and the Cherry Bomb. Next stop, New York State. We've just had a farewell dinner of lobster and champagne. What a way to launch!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
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You enjoy yourself and forget about shipping companies for the next 6 weeks. And leave Mac'a AK's behind (as much as I'd love to have a play with one). Dont go and throw yourself in front of any unsuspecting mouses as they could scratch the bomb (at least you're reunited with your underware should you meet one).
Thanks again Mac and Gwyn for all your hospitality and hope you understood my Kiwi talk.
Kerry, You seem to be on line....
it was getting to be on in late evening and I do find a oil leak, more seepage than a leak at the lower speedo cable drive. There hasn't been time to allow me "a way" to discover parts on hand here and no time to shop for any.
In the next few moments I will have at it.. Seems yer wife's pants zipper was havin' some problems stayin' up... can't have that here in the USA, so I made 2 sterling silver buttons with bear paws stampings on them, and sewed these on by hand.
The zipper seems to still work, and I hope better now, that one button will be below the gripper part.
The stamp is mine... in other words, I broke off a file in 3rd's and carved this paw in reverse on the squared off end, other wise the tool is like any other leather stamping tool... except this one was made for sterling...
Yupper's I 'ave been takin' Kiwi Talk lessons for near a month now.. I understood perfectly...
Well I have less than 45 minutes to dream up some fix, on that leak... and either have it completed or be at a loss.... Mac
Kerry, I made a seal of polyester rubber like material) made for high temp gaskets... We all did 110 miles and I checked the leak and found none..
We took a mess of back roads some going east to go west, and Interstate 89 NH to Vt getting speeds of 70 MPH which isn't the limit of 75 MPH which is more common as you get west some..
So with these speeds and the miles on a hot day the gasket I made seems to work, but for how long?
Well done Mac with the speedo cable,I was concerned as I didn't get time for road trials before shipping but I thought the gasket would do the trick, I guess not. The last ride Max and I had was 1200kms (750miles) and it leaked but looked worse then it seemed. The bomb used approx. 200mls of oil which I didn't think was too bad. I had other concerns with loose nuts and bolts as it does vibrate a bit. As for the slow leak in the front tyre, it takes about a month to lose 10psi so I'm not too bothered (air is cheap!).
I'm sure you guys will stay in touch as it sounds like a strong bond made and who knows what the future brings.
Thanks again for your help.
LOL it may not leak at all anymore since the tire now has very high quaility New Hampster air...
I hate sayin this but that bike did shake a mirror loose... I hate when what I put my hand to loosens... Another error was I installed a 12 dcv take off to charge the cell phone and once the bags were on it was covered up..
2 nylock ties need to be cut and the wire can move forwards where I left another tie loose.
I just ran out of time..
I had planned to go get the bike and not do more than uncrate it the first time. Then the next day set it up.
Didn't happen that way. We got the bike did some stuff on the way home, then uncrated the bike and set it up. I don't do hot muggies well, and then the next day we went to tighten up more which turned out to be the test ride..
Company came and din din was late, and later than we expected and only then did I become aware of the oil leak, which I did the day she left..
Well that was yesterday, and whew.. Right now she is about 250 miles west of me... and will get souther than that when ever she leaves that point.
I had no idea of exactly when or where to, and maybe for security thats the best thing. The USA isn't what it was a couple decades ago, and the "System" has created a "me monster" in younger folks, who do as they please (think predator).
Don't worry, Max got lessons in how to shop and carry valuables...
She became good enough to fool me once too... So long as she follows the example she will be fine.
my addey is and so if you want to know more about the security bits write me there, where it is private.
I don't mind my e-mail in the open, as all I get is auto generated blather, and "IF" some fool wants me face up, then he has a bigger problem, and could become a part of the corn patch....
Yeah, well yesterday was interesting. Had a bad tank of gas, or maybe a vapour lock, poor old Bomb didn't like that much, farted and spluttered like a Mac on the Samuels, and damn near wouldn't go at all, till I got as many miles down the road as I could to drain that bad gas out and fill up with decent stuff. The trick seems to be using the second lowest grade. She doesn't seem to like the low stuff. Feels nasty - all tractorlike. Oil drips tiny bits here and there. Just when she's hot to trot. Parked up last night, no oil this morning. Mac. the mirror didn't shake loose, it came loose after I bumped it on the bowser hose when I got too close to it at the gas station outskirt of Woodstock. Nothing so far has shaken loose in 400kms+ and all looks well.
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