Friday, July 6, 2007

Walmart - Heaven or Hell???

This entry is for my friend Shaun, who had BETTER be impressed!!!... Shaun, you sent me to Walmart. How you could even SUGGEST such a thing is horror enough. The fact that I refused to bow down to my better judgement, and went in there anyway, was worse. I'm seriously traumatized by the sheer scale of that place (even tho Mac said North conway NH is one of the smaller outlets???). The bargains were incredible, as were the choices, and the fact is that if I live to be a thousand years old and win the lottery fifty times, I still won't ever have enough money to buy one of everything. I did, however, get twenty pairs of the trousers you wanted (yes, folks, I aint kiddin - he wants 25 pairs in all), which cleaned out the entire North Conway store's stocks for the foreseeable future, and I will work on getting the other five pairs when I find another store, which Mac assures me can be found in nearby(ish) Rochester. Now I have to brave the local post office who, by the time I leave there, will probably wish they'd never met me. I made sure the trousers have shallow pockets, Shaun, so you'll be esily able to reach the vast amount of money you will need to take me out for dinner and supply endless bourbon, by way of thanks for putting me through retail hell. Heaven because it was so fantastic. Hell, because there were no decent shoes.

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