Yupper's we'er into the woods... Atleast in the woods we function, unlike poly tics and burro cats, who are somewhat less than useless, unless you use them as garden fertilizers....
In the woods we make do or go with out so as we ain't to likely to go with out, well we just don't...

This mornin my bride Gwyn and I got to stare down a deer peekin at the garden and if that deer has any clue as to what's good for it it will stay outta the garden... or else it will end up in the stew...
Today might be brass cat'ridge day round about here (again), and maybe the next will be black powda' day as I never use both on the same day (tad too much rain).
All we got on yesterday's ride was track stew which ain't fit for woodland dwellers like me. Max has seen some turkey here and 2 deer so far, one while on my bike! She didn't know whether or not to choke me dead on the spot or let me ride it out either... Err, well I was a tad hard on the brakes because bikes and our deer are a rather poor mix if you ask me..
Max is still Max and she gets this look when she don't get her way, anyone ever see that look?
Canuck and I took her to a "Guy's" shoe store, but she tinkered with pistols instead? Go figure huh?
Them shippers in new Zealand might just wanna move to someplace like down under, but not the warm one... You know that cooler one with winds in the 100's of miles per hour and just maybe they will die with what ever hairs they have on their alledged heads...
I know if I was one O' them, I sure would.. It's that look, ya see?
Any how Max is still suckin air and free on this side of the rock, and she hasn't yet seen all the rocks in New England yet... Don't tell er' but she's sorta becomin' like a long lost sister to me and so things are still very cool... Worse... I am gonna miss the hell outta' this gal once gone... Oh well you take a bird in the hand and let it go... If it comes back you are in good faith eh? So maybe one day this bird will return and say Hi!
With that said you all should know so long as she is stranded here, she will be cared for and fed. We will do what we can and what must be done to get this going once the bike arrives someplace on the east wet coast... Mac
In the woods we make do or go with out so as we ain't to likely to go with out, well we just don't...

This mornin my bride Gwyn and I got to stare down a deer peekin at the garden and if that deer has any clue as to what's good for it it will stay outta the garden... or else it will end up in the stew...
Today might be brass cat'ridge day round about here (again), and maybe the next will be black powda' day as I never use both on the same day (tad too much rain).
All we got on yesterday's ride was track stew which ain't fit for woodland dwellers like me. Max has seen some turkey here and 2 deer so far, one while on my bike! She didn't know whether or not to choke me dead on the spot or let me ride it out either... Err, well I was a tad hard on the brakes because bikes and our deer are a rather poor mix if you ask me..
Max is still Max and she gets this look when she don't get her way, anyone ever see that look?
Canuck and I took her to a "Guy's" shoe store, but she tinkered with pistols instead? Go figure huh?
Them shippers in new Zealand might just wanna move to someplace like down under, but not the warm one... You know that cooler one with winds in the 100's of miles per hour and just maybe they will die with what ever hairs they have on their alledged heads...
I know if I was one O' them, I sure would.. It's that look, ya see?
Any how Max is still suckin air and free on this side of the rock, and she hasn't yet seen all the rocks in New England yet... Don't tell er' but she's sorta becomin' like a long lost sister to me and so things are still very cool... Worse... I am gonna miss the hell outta' this gal once gone... Oh well you take a bird in the hand and let it go... If it comes back you are in good faith eh? So maybe one day this bird will return and say Hi!
With that said you all should know so long as she is stranded here, she will be cared for and fed. We will do what we can and what must be done to get this going once the bike arrives someplace on the east wet coast... Mac
1 comment:
Thanks a huge bunch, I feel so much better after reading that! It can't be easy to have such an unexpected extended guest, and it's testimony to your charity and good spirit that you are such good hosts. Thank you very much, if you ever make it to NZ rest assured you won't have to pay for a meal!
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