Bah Humbug?
Hubba Bubba?
On Thursday we saw a break in the weather and bolted across the New Hampshire border into Maine, headed for the south coast town of Bar Harbour and the Acadia National Park. This was my first view of Maine on the ocean...
Thunderstorms had disappeared, the sun was shining, lobster was beckoning, and Mac was happy to take me on his bike over to the best place in America to get them. Most of you know I've had an addiction to crayfish for as long as I can remember, and whose crabsters and lobbies are the best in the world has been a lively debate across one particular forum some of you are familiar with logging into and taking part in. Well, 'Well Enuf', it wasn't as big as the one you waved at me (said the actress to the bishop!) but the one I got was pretty damn nice, and here's the evidence. I bought one for Mac and almost didn't let him have it, figuring he'd prefer his cheeseburger, but then I couldn't stand those sad puppy eyes and handed it over. Delish and worth riding all the way to Maine for. I do have to say that it wasn't quite the same as being handed one straight from the barnacled paw of a certain scuba-man (Hello Kerry!!!) but I warn't complainin'. YUUURRRMMMM.........
Yes indeed, folks, there wasn't a tweezer-grabb-able shred of flesh left on this poor sucker by the time I'd finished with him (and I don't mean Mac). We got these at a place called Beale's, a lobster shack on a pier in South West Harbour on Mt Desert Island on the south coast of Maine...
The before picture...
The carnage after the event...
You go into this place that is really nothing fancy at all and you choose a live lobbie out of a tank which they then chuck into a pot for you. After fifteen minutes they call you up to go get the poor thing, and they give it to you wrapped in paper with a pot of melted butter for dipping. I felt bad about seeing the poor old thing still waving his claws at me before being flung into the pot. But I think he would be happy knowing how much happiness he brought me. I keep on telling myself that anyway!!!!!
By the way, that thing on my head? Its a bandana. They are great for keeping your hair from rubbing into the underside lining of your helmet, and helping to minimise that whole clean hair/perspiration/greasy hair/greasy helmet lining/dandruff vicious cycle thing, but since there are no helmet laws in Maine OR in New Hampshire, and wearing them is optional, some people elect not to. Especially in hot weather. In lieu of a helmet, this "do-rag" as they're called here was a vain attempt to keep my hair from tangling into an irrecoverable birds nest, and I must say, that even in spite of 30 years of habit and safety consciousness tapping me on the shoulder all the time, it WAS kinda nice to ride with that whole freedom-wind-in-the-face feeling.
By the way, that thing on my head? Its a bandana. They are great for keeping your hair from rubbing into the underside lining of your helmet, and helping to minimise that whole clean hair/perspiration/greasy hair/greasy helmet lining/dandruff vicious cycle thing, but since there are no helmet laws in Maine OR in New Hampshire, and wearing them is optional, some people elect not to. Especially in hot weather. In lieu of a helmet, this "do-rag" as they're called here was a vain attempt to keep my hair from tangling into an irrecoverable birds nest, and I must say, that even in spite of 30 years of habit and safety consciousness tapping me on the shoulder all the time, it WAS kinda nice to ride with that whole freedom-wind-in-the-face feeling.
We stayed in an extremely cute little cottage in a motel complex just outside of Acadia National Park. 
Apparently there used to be a whole bunch of these delightful holiday places all over the country, particularly in this area, offering these free-standing cottage units as their accommodation. Sadly, these charming, historic little structures are becoming a thing of the past, as they give way to the multi-roomed slab-like structures being favoured by motelliers keen to jam as many people onto their properties as humanly possible. The only downside of this cute place was a lack of security for Mac's bike, which we couldn't park out of sight of the road, so we covered it with clothing and hid it as best we could behind the trellis at the side of the cottage, and all was well.
We got back home Friday night and by the time we did, my hair was in an affro of frizz, and my nose was so sunburnt it glowed in the dark (no neeed for headlights!) but it was a really happy couple of days. Acadia National Park is stunning, and beautiful, and on Mac's insistence I stuck my hand in the Atlantic Ocean and tasted the sea, at Sand Beach in the Park, promising to do the same at the West Coast in the Pacific.
MMMM that crayfish sure looked great.!!
Yes, been far too long... Will def' catch up when you return. Where are you living here?. Still up North?
Beezer gone to a good home.. never thought I would sell her but with my new job, riding time was severely compromised so I thought.."Keren, stop being selfish and let her go to someone who will appreciate her"
BUT... I miss riding so much... never thought I would go to a non British but times are a changing...
Looking forward to the electric start and all that power... Shes certainly pretty... Will let you know how I go.. Have a blast mate and will enjoy your snippets of American Tales... :)
Me again Max. If you get a chance, have a quick squizz at my blog page. Haven't got much on it as yet but put a couple of pics on it for you
I did it - checked in to see how the trip was going...ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! At least the lobster looks like it was good - rather like the NZ shipping agents when you get home.....
I thought of you yesterday - we took the bikes out - beautifully winter's day....headed for Marahau (closed!!), then Kaiteriteri (an hour wait for food - what is that all about????), finally got a sort-of coffee fix at Motueka (don't bother next time), FINAL coffee fix at the Jester HOuse (Phew......getting jittery by then.....)
However - feel a bit sick making complaints like that to you right now....the only constructive comment I can make is that this trip is providing more than its fair share of material for a very, very black movie....send your blogs to Ben Elton - it's the only thing I can think of...
Keep eating lobsters!!!
You can still get across by Sept 5 - it'll be different - but it's still worth doing. Hang in there!!!
Been thinking about's a thought....change of plan - but would still be a wild trip (my dream trip actually - nothing like living vicariously through others...)
Get a cheap red-eye to LA. Be re-united with your beloved red machine, (even if you have to pay for someone to put your bike together) and head north...Pacific Highway, across to Montana and as far east and south as you can would be a different trip....but beats sitting waiting for wheels to turn at glacial speed - and you'd still have plenty of time for a really fantastic could take a bit of pressure off....
Kia kaha
Hi, you can resist a cray about as easy as a shoe sale!!! I'll let you away with that one yes it did look good! I'll sit here with my bag of farmbake cookies thinking of you (should be homebake cookies!).
Reading Keren comments, HOW DARE YOU sell the BSA!!!!! I thought you two were joined and needed surgery to ever part company. Sometimes we all get tempted by a bit of luxury.
Annette, dont forget there is always coffee available in Higgs Road if you and Chris are ever passing.
I was looking forward to my first day off for two weeks and went out in a yacht race on sunday. We were doing well and concerntrating hard when all of a sudden my bl@#dy cell phone rings, of course I had to answer it, it was Jack with crys of help "how do I leave a bloody comment on Max's blog". Well after carming him done and telling him where to stick his curser he was happy and then I had to explain to my race colleges about my distraction of intense dedication. I bet that didn't happen in the Americas Cup. Sorry Jack will call tonight.
In heinsight, leaving the bike in LA may have lighten the stress but you would have felt sold out of the greatest adventure we all dream of, therefore hang in there and stick to the plan (as long as Gwyn and Mac can put up with you) and you can look back in later months and laugh about it. We're all ok this end for another week, (sob...sob...) the neighbours are enjoying a break from the music.
Lots of love and hugs,
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