Just look at those palm trees a-swayin... Having dipped my tootsies in the Pacific Blue, and tasted the salt water, I've decided that its time to relax. Most of the shoes have all been bought (Macy's - GOD, what a sale!!!), and apart from one handbag that I'm still eyeing up, I'm all done, and waiting to go back to New Hampster and bake key lime pies, and sit in the sun, and have lots of puppykisses from the extremely beautiful Evie and Lucy, and harass Mac for a week. A couple of days ago I met up with two great women: Izabel from Germany and Trish from Perth. Yesterday we all went to Venice Beach together and had a blast.

We did stupid stuff, trying on mad vintage clothes and horrible hats,

and aside from doing the obligatory tourist t-shirt buying thing, and having lunch in a deli right by the beach, we tried (in vain) to find a pair of killer heels for Trish who has child's size feet. I lost the bet (50c) that we'd find some for her.
I forgot to pay you, Trish darlin, and that only means one thing - ya hafta come get it in Nelson New Zealand!!!! (No problem, I can hear her calling, from somewhere down the track). Trish, I know you will see this sometime soon. It was a complete joy to meet you, and spend time with you, and I wish you lots of happiness on your spiritual journey. I wanted to put you in my pocket and take you home, but I know you have far more exciting things planned, so I didn't kidnap you, and I really deserve some credit for my extraordinary ability to control that impulse. We're on for Perth, baby. Say when.
The heat in California is dry and very pleasant. Its a good place to be, to hang out, watch some incredible bikes chug by, and I'm now on my way to have another vanilla malt in Johnny Rockets Cafe. The last one I had was for me. Sort of a pilgrimage. The one I have in five minutes is gonna be especially for Kerry. Cheers, hon.! Slurp slurp.

No Mo women! I am warnimg you! I have had it with you, and all yer wimims folks! You leave them All right where you found them! Havin you around and Madam IS LIKE ALMOST HAVIN 2 WIVES! LOL
I am at building with real stones.. (you'll see) cutting dead weed trees, and doin other macho stuff, so you just leave all them californi gals right there~!
Come here bring GUN Money baby...
{Kerry is she this way at home?}
;-) mac
Hey, she never once mentioned guns to me...
Hay Mac you aint seen nothing of wot she could get up to given a long enough lead, why do you think I've let her go for two months.... peace and no worries, well so was the plan until your system started world war 3 on the shippers. Next time I'm coming over and Max can stay behind. I never get into trouble....hehehe. I might get stuck with one of those cali girls, do they make good pets? are they any good on the farm? I've been told the ones down in Florida are the same, is that true?
I think Max's dad is the one who started Max's fasination with the guns, now he's running around a pistol range in his zimmer frame like Rambo. Are you sure its safe at your age Jack? Dont tell Nancy about your gun and drinking and now motorcycling habits.... hehe. (only joking nancy, he really is a good boy, the medication has helped a lot).
Mac, what have you and Gwyn got planned now Max is coming to stay to without a motorbike (hang on that was the same the first time was'nt it)? A word of advice, keep Max out of sight of shoe shops please.
Take care,
Mac Muz
Hey Kerry I READ that!!!!!. take care mate as Im liable to come back up there and start gun slinging at your place and you KNOW im liable to hit ANYTHING or ANYONE Zimmer frame notwithstanding.
And I can easily drop the frame and chase you up the hills,seeing as how your so out of shape and Im NOT !! lol Its time Max was back and taking you back under control
How do you cope with him Max???
Hey , Kerry , thanks for the tip off , heheheh I took the "drinking" with a grain of salt , no pun intended lol and the motorcycle riding , I chalked up to second childhood , ( just increased the little blue pills ) but NOW that he's " running around a pistol range in his zimmer frame like Rambo" , wow ! we may have to call in those guys with the little white jackets .LOL ( Hi Jack ,I love you ,Baby ,I'm glad you're enjoying life , REALLY I AM !hehe)
OH MY MY , KERRY !!!!!!! Sounds like another battle at the OK CORRAL!! Should I start selling tickets ?????? lolol
HI Max ! Sounds like you've really had a great adventure !! I'm proud for you !!!!! you had a dream and went for it !! now you can relax knowing that part is accomplished !
talk with you soon !
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