I'm in Colorado. Got here about two hours ago to Durango, having ridden through the most stunning scenery I have ever seen in my entiere life, and I aint kidding! I've seen a lot of places over the decades, a lot of countries, and a lot of seriously cool stuff, but NOTHING beats what I saw today. From the Rio Grande Gorge leaving New Mexico...

...to the Rio Grande and San Juan National Forests, through Route 160 west...

... there are just not enough words to describe how beautifully, how unbelievably, the hand of nature has carved this part of the world. No photo, no postcard and no jigsaw puzzle box picture does it justice. As I made my way through that area, up and then down through winding steep roads, vista upon vista of the most incredible scenery imaginable just kept on unfolding in front of me. I held my breath to take it all in. By the roadside, about half way through, a deer stood, impassively staring at the cars as they went by. The Bomb's engine caused her to run for the trees, but before she did, I was treate to a prancing little dance from her, while shde decided which way to run, and that put a smile on my face ten miles wide. About a mile further up, there was a dead deer in the road. Sad, but a good reminder of the need to be careful and vigilant through that area. The Bomb had a wee splutter and a couple of farts along the way. I think the altitude caused her a few glitches, but it was nothing serious. It was pretty chilly up there, and after the heat of the desert, it felt kinda weird to feel cold for a while! I'd forgotten what that was like...
Once we'd made the descent into Durango it was hot again, and there was no more backfiring.
Lots of bikers on their way back from Sturgis passed me, in both directions, and all waved hello. I pulled into Durango, went to the Suzuki shop to get some oil to carry on board, as the girl does use some, and then I found a motel, where I ran into Jim and Aaron, a father and son team on their way home from Sturgis. They said something about dinner later. Sounds good. I find I'm not interested in food until the evenings. I think its the heat.
Hi there, Have been following the Blog! To be more precise, the Max and the Cherry Bomb, on their travels. Wonderful adventures. Pleased to hear you are both safe and not burn't to a sinder and you have been shopping for shoes. Hope the ankle is better. Remember RICE - rest, elevate, compression, elevate - not on your list of to do's!
Take care Jackie + Dave
Well I missed that road, why we missed Co altogether, but maybe that's just a good excuse to ride it again one day. However I am miffed now I know!
We had a little rain end of last week and we needed it bad. The 4/10ths into here was getting really dicey on the bike.
"G" has me landscaping, and a part of it he didn't know he needed is a little culdesac called a len-I' how ever you speel it. LOL
So I am upto here in dirt, dust, rock and wood.. Perhaps you recall that wasteland pit behind the shop? The game is to make it nice with steps leading down to a landing, with a bit of a garden on both sides going down. Perhaps a fire place area, and making it look like it was just there in the first place.
Did I tell you I was learning how to drive and run a Bob Cat? That little yellow machine here?? Well so far I am getting along well with it and can do a lot more than I thought I would ever be able to do with it. I did get a lesson in what not to do as well and got myself and stone and dirt shower, with stones grapefruit sized falling on me.. Opps! Then unloading a truck with lime, fertilizers, and grass seed, I crashed it not once but twice.. That feels odd.. ALl is well that ends well and neither I nor the machine suffered for it. I almost look like I was born knowing how to dig, build and pick up stuff as there are attachments I can change at will for different jobs.. I like that machine as much as riding as I can create with it.
The entire yard around the house is brown loam now, and I have yet to level off a few places the real lawn guy didn't bother with well. I still have more trees out back where that swamp was, and then who knows what. I guess another job will be in order.
We met up with 2 Featha's last night, but I cut and ran early. The band had just begun as we walked out no less.. But to me that means lots of people are going to show up and for me thats the time to get out of Dodge.. pffft gone..
Today I was asked to attend a War memorial opening which counts the Wars WW-2, Korea, and Viet Nam, but I am not to sure about that.. The good thing is it isn't Poly Tic's based and no monies came from them to built and create it...
There is supposed to be a ride and that part I might like...maybe..
Nick from Kentucky here.
Just a few more hours til my vacation ends. Hard to believe how many things you've seen and how many miles since you were in Buena Vista, VA two weeks ago. Glad your trip is still going and going well. I've been keeping up with your trip via the blog and shall continue.
You meet the nicest people on a Honda, and a Suzuki and a Yamaha..BMW..Harley, etc.
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