Just exactly how gorgeous is this wee chap? The woods around Mac's place are littered with wildlife of various kinds, from mountain lions, bears, moose, deer and 'coons right through to the little guys like woodchucks, snakes and red squirrels, that randomly wander around here like they own the place. While out with one of Mac's tins of transmission fluid, slaughtering the hoardes of Japanese beetles that are trying to snaffle all the garden crops, I heard a rustling in the trees just ten feet from where I was standing. As I froze (which you tend to do out here!), to see what it could be, a little red squirrel hopped out from the undergrowth, jumped up on a log and just stared at me. I stood there motionless, admiring him, and he jumped off, grabbed a berry, jumped back up and ate it in little nibbly bites, right there in front of me. He did this three times, all the while me standing there like a comical statue, beetle jar in one hand, trying not to even BLINK, in case it scared him away. He was really very beautiful, just sitting there in the sunshine, having his snack, all the while keeping one huge, liquid eye on whether I was going to move, and poised to bolt if I did. Eventually, cramp forced me to, and he scampered off back into the forest.
Good thing it wasn't one of those "Attack Squirells". Full story @ laconiabikeweek.net.
I tried to call you last night about your package. Don't know if your cell is still active. Call me when you can.
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