This is a picture of Kathy and Red Dog, my hosts for the last couple of days. I wanted everyone to see this picture as I think it shows them in their true light - happy and doing what they love best. THANK YOU, guys for the angels that you are and the other angels around you that you shared with me. My life has been enriched by spending time with you and your friends and family, and the hospitality extended to me by all of you has been extraordinary. I look forward to seeing you in New Zealand, and having the opportunity to reciprocate! Don't leave it too long!!!
I have to agree. Kathy and Red Dog are a couple of great spirits! Ride on Max and Cherry Bomb! Kim
Max - you continue to be an inspiration to me with your adventure! With your gusto and spirit, despite the mishaps, forging forward, I would expect nothing less.
I must make one suggestion - would you consider renaming your future book "The Kindness of Strangers"? As I read about your journey, I can't help but muse how you have been able to coax the very best out of people. You are an amazing person. Thus far, each stranger you have come in contact with - no matter how brief the encounter - has fallen deeply in love with you. And as you leave them (us) - be it on the edge of the highway, a break in the road, or at their own home - they (we) are glowing with the exhuberance that is you. When I think of all of these lives you are touching, and how little we know of each other before you came along, I can't help but feel we now are all connected by you.
Love you!
Love you too, Candy. If you want to take a week's vacation, come out and meet me in California for some girl-time before I head home.
After a full day of serious fun and R and R (rest & relaxation) with you Max it was fun to hit the road and be a part of your adventure. Arild & I on our GSXR (like the pic you put on your blog) with you on Cherry Bomb left the ranch yesterday morning and hit the road west from Central Arkansas. Destination west to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Arild and I enjoyed riding with you through the foothills of the Ozark Mountains and criscrossing the White River numberous times.
Breakfast malts at the old historic soda shop at Calico rock, then across the Norfolk Lake dam to take a pic. Then is was down the road along the river to the famous Gastons Restaurant (#1 Trout Fishing river and resort in America with an air strip for the planes and helecopters to fly in to fish & eat at Gastons) That was quite the neat restaurant to eat lunch at with all the motorcycles, bicycles, boat motors, etc. etc that is handing from the ceilings and walls. Lots to look at while eating a delicious meal and watching the hummingbirds eat at the feeders hanging outside the restaurant windows or watching the fishermen in their boats fishing for trout. It was a splendid treat to see that bald eagle, too.
Back on the bikes and down the road, across the large Bull Shoals dam to the new Arkansas Welcome Center to check out some of the local history. There were some really nice mounted trophy trout there to see.
Back on the bikes and down the road to Harrison where we stopped to help Max get a phone that would work properly. Down the road a bit more and a stop so Max could purchase a special "heat gear" shirt that will help keep her cool while riding the rest of the way through Arkansas & Oklahoma. (Arkansas and Oklahoma is under a "heat warning" and some 100+ temps)
Western bound riding the foothills together was really nice. Thumbs up and smiles all the way. We made a hydration stop at the famous bikers motel, bar and restaurant, The Stables, before hitting the road again.
Around 6pm we arrived at our destination on the west side of Arkansas, a historical Victorian village. We stopped by the "Cathouse" to research accomodations. We shared a room with Max at a local motel and went straight to the pool for a dip and to cool off. Max spent some time checking out how to use her new phone and catching up on her communications. Arild supplied us with fluids.
Bellies growing it was time for dinner. Little did we know there was only 1 taxi in town, which we were only getting "leave a message" when calling it. I flagged down a couple of women in a truck and asked them if they would kindly take us to the Pied Pipper restaurant so we could get some dinner. They were happy to give us a lift. New friedns made and Gloria and Carmen even joined us at our dinner table for some "getting to know each other" chit chat.
Arild and Max ordered Prime Rib and what a dinner feast we had!
After dinner we went to the Cat House Lounge were the party began.
After hours of fun, I asked a local if he could "taxi" us back up the hill to our motel. He was happy to join us and kindly drove us home last night.
After a good nights sleep, Max and Arild and I loaded up the bikes and headed out on Max's journey riding out of Arkansas. We lead Max down the famous Arkansas Pig Trail. We stopped in Huntsville at Granny Kitchen for some hydration and a bite to eat. Then it was time for "til another time" hugs and a parting with seperate destinations.
Max headed west with Oklahoma City, OK, as her destination to be at by 6pm. Arild and I headed east for our 5 1/2 - 6 hour ride back home. Earlier I had called our riding friend, Denise, who lives in Oklahoma City and introduced her via phone to Max. Max is to meet Denise at 6pm and will spend the night at Denise's house.
Arild and I got home tonight about 6pm, when I called Denise to see if she had heard from Max. Denise was in her truck on her way to meet Max and Max had called Denise, so she was at her 6pm destination.
Max.. you and Denise have a great time tonight. I know you will, especially since Denise also rides her own bike putting on some 40,000 miles in average every year.
Arild and I had a FANTASTIC time riding with you and sharing a few days and nights of your journey with you. You are a great new friend and truely a part of the AR Gap Riders "family" now.
Call us anytime if you ever need anything. Have a great journey!
aka Momma Hen
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