Oh Lord, its hard to be blinkered... when there's shoe sales on, every which way...
Nan's two daughters took me shopping yesterday. They succeeded in LOSING ME!!!!! in a vast shopping mall, for more than an hour and a half, which was an adventure in itself, and made me feel worryingly like the small kid whose mother tells it to STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!! AND DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!! IF YOU GET LOST!!!!!!! BECAUSE I WILL FIND YOU!!!!!!!!!!! and that actually didn't work very well at all, as it turned out, because they were charging around like headless chickens at one end of this mall while I was loitering at the other. However, with a relief that nearly made us all cry, we all found one another in the end, and while looking for them, I did feel quite safe, guided gently by The Hand (y'all know the one...), which only hauled me into a few places in all. Several interesting purchases later (including two pairs of shoes and one pair of boots, she-said-very-quickly-so-that-everyone-would-be-convinced-they'd-misheard-what-she-said) we headed for a pub that served, to my delight, Newky Brown, and we had a swift recharge of batteries before heading home, where I promptly got boomeranged back out again by Nan herself who, having finally been able to offload the grandchildren, took me out to The Huddle House in Shelbyville for coffee so we could talk in peace about some important but all-good stuff.
Hi, is that a photo of the shoes you've just purchased???? "we're gona need a bigger house" (said as in the movie Jaws, "we're gona need a bigger boat" and it brings the same level of fear, "look out, in coming!" said the postie). I've had years of this now and kinda expect it.
I assume the ankle is on the mend and the bomb shipshape and ready for the next adventure. Look out Sturgess here comes the Kiwi's (actually you're both Poms really aye. shhh, dont tell anyone).
It's the weekend here in NZ and I had planned to take the yacht out after a fantastic week of sun shine but of course the guy in charge of the weather says "NO you must stay inside and do house work" so its raining and will do all weekend.... (clench fist and extend middle finger).
Tough decision to make, can anyone help? I've got 3 motor bikes to restore or should I do house work?... THANK YOU!! vacum cleaner's not very good anyway.
I've got a couple of days before father-in-law arrives.
Take care on your journey and give me a call before you head off.
Love from all at #63.
I've tried about 4 times and this damn thing keeps forgetting my password. There's only so many HOURS in the day. I hope thie works as it's my last try.
Another tip; when riding in HOT weather, when you stop, let the bike idle for a minute or two before shutting it off. If you can let it cool down for 20 minutes, and it will start much easier. I'll tell Carol you said "Hi". Happy Trails, jim
If remembering a password is too difficult or inconvenient, you can come on as "anonymous", by clicking that identity option, and put your name at the end of the post without having to log in at all, if you prefer. That way, although you'll come up in my email inbox as an anonymous poster, I will still know who you are.
I had the same problem, but what is wrong is the user name wants to be the entire e-mail address, and not a user name.
So just type in the email you used to sign up in the first place, and use what ever pass word you used and when the post, posts, it will show up with what ever user name you choose. AND not the e-mail addey..
How does a grown up get lost anyways. Could that be lack of communication?
Ray, there is some debate as to whether I'm a grown up. Turns out, too, that my phone was on the blink and this little mishap was just ONE of the dramas caused by not having it working. Situation resolved - now, if you lose me... hear me roar!
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