Another long day, too long really, and I'm aiming not to repeat being on the road for pretty much twelve straight hours! I made it to Nancee's place just south of Nashville, after riding a long day in heavy traffic on the Interstate 81/40. The circumnavigation around the city of Knoxville was particularly hair-raising, and the freeway was five lanes wide in places there. I was pretty relieved to put that behind me! By the end of the day I was exhausted, reaction times probably at zero, and luckily Nan came out to get me from where I'd pulled off at the Kangaroo gas station north of Murfreesboro, so I could follow here to her house (which I was otherwise unlikely to find through a combination of exhaustion and it going dark, and her living on a back country road). It took her a long time to find me though, and by the time she did I was on the tail end of my very last reserves of energy. Riding behind her pick-up, following her home, I genuinely felt that I was putting myself at serious risk by riding so tired, and I never want to feel like that again. A freak, five-minute downpour had caught me, earlier in the day, too, which led to a bit of a "whoops!". I'd come off the freeway to find shelter and get my rain grear on, and just as I was pulling into a gas station, down we both went, bike and rider, on an oil slick heading into the entrance-way. BOOM! No warning. Never saw THAT one coming!!! I was nearly stopped by that time, so no harm was done, apart from a slightly skewed handlebar and light sprain on my right ankle, but it taught me something about maneouvering in the wet at low speed with a heavy load on. Even after the fact, while I was riding out of there a few minutes later, I felt the slippery surface snatching at the wheels, it was like riding on an ice rink, and it made me wonder how many other bikes had gone down there, and likely would, before the day was out. I just didn't see the oil thru the pouring rain, no way I could have.
It was great to see Nan, and I wasn't at my best, (read - on the verge of exhausted hysteria at the prospect of having to ride any further) but she hugged me anyway and escorted me home, where I collapsed in an uncommunicative heap. I dredged up enough energy to unpack the bike, had a bath and a half hour chat with Nan before I literally lost the ability to function and crawled off to bed. I'm going to be here for a few days, just to recharge, rest the little ankle - which isn't swollen but throbs like an SOB - and give the bike the once-over before continuing on to Arkansas. I've been promised a shopping day with Nan and her daughters. Mental note to injured little self - remain sitting down while trying on shoes!
It was great to see Nan, and I wasn't at my best, (read - on the verge of exhausted hysteria at the prospect of having to ride any further) but she hugged me anyway and escorted me home, where I collapsed in an uncommunicative heap. I dredged up enough energy to unpack the bike, had a bath and a half hour chat with Nan before I literally lost the ability to function and crawled off to bed. I'm going to be here for a few days, just to recharge, rest the little ankle - which isn't swollen but throbs like an SOB - and give the bike the once-over before continuing on to Arkansas. I've been promised a shopping day with Nan and her daughters. Mental note to injured little self - remain sitting down while trying on shoes!
Well, obviously, the shoes you try on need to have ankle straps. Why didn't you think of that? You must be tired! Hope the Cherry isn't scratched up, nor you either. As for the gas - you know you have never liked the cheap stuff, sheesh! Why should Cherry be any different? Have a great few days resting up with Nancee, get yourself revitalised and reenergised and ready to rumble. Keep safe (and dry!)
Love Liz
Yep, that's fur shoor, neither one of us ladies here is what could ever be described as cheap to maintain!!! She takes less money for oil and gasoline than I do for beer, tho, so she's easier to keep at full functioning than I am. I wish I could get fully tanked up myself, for five ninety nine!!!!!!!
Never fear, honey. We're both as good as gold after our li'l spill. Miss ya mad face. How bout a goofy pic of you on your bike???????
If at all possible turn back east with a lighter load and see the Great Smokie Mountains! See the town of Pigon Forge and Gatlinburg, which are close to one another and stay in Pigon Forge a night.
Both places have all sorts of shops.. Coins, shoes, everything and more any tourist trap is, but these places are a must see IMO...
It isn't even a half days ride to get back there, and or have your friend take you there in a car with AC... I bet by now some of the ride is wearing a tad thin...
Max glad you finally got on the road. Hope it lives up your dreams. Sounds as though you are having fun amidst the paper war. Having just got back from our trip it is lovely to be home in the sunshine as we had rain every day for 5 weeks. Fun catching up with everyone but great to be back. Take care
Oh God, Rose, you poor love!!! I hope you didn't end up with webbed feet? Still, that's England for you - its the one I remember, the one I'm not sorry to have left...
HEY MAX ! If there was ever any doubt about how exhausted you were,this is proof,Dear, -for you must have been asleep when we pulled back onto HWY 41A where I live ! lol
I took you thru backroads to get here because you were too tired to battle all that bustling traffic coming the main roads . But this is in no way a backroad tho sometimes I wish it was !! It would be much quieter LOLLOLOL
Hope your day is going great ! take care
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