Monday, August 6, 2007


While in San Francisco last month I went to a very nice young man in a little AT&T mall kiosk to ask him about a pay as you go sim card for my mobile phone. AT&T are internationally known, and I figured I was doing the right thing by getting one of their cards. The one he sold me, he assured me, would give me national coverage. Hmmm. Not really... While AT&T merge with Cingular and all kinds of teething problems ensue, coverage is random and unpredictable, and I can't stop my bike on any freeways en route to anywhere to see if I have coverage. I check it at stopping points and since I left the East coast there's usually been no signal. However, as everyone around the world has that number now, and its got about thirty US dollars credit on it, I'm not about to change it with only a month left to run. Those of you trying to contact me by phone will just have to bear with me, please, until such time as I get west enough to get better coverage to respond in any way at all, which I have been assured will happen. All I can say is keep watching the blog for updates, and when I can I will send texts out.


RedDog said...

Max is up and running now. A helpful lady over in a Cingular shop in Harrison figured out something wrong with the NZ phone and a new one was purchased.


tofeather said...

A T & T used to be a lot better. I have Verizon now, so much better.
I'm not a technology person, but these days ya hafta have some level of communication.
Reddog & Kathy, thanx for being there for Maxie. If you ever come up to Laconia for Bike Week, you'll hafta look up Mac & Gwynn, and I'll probably find out when, and get to meet you guys. Happy Trails.

tofeather said...

A T & T used to be a lot better. I have Verizon now, so much better.
I'm not a technology person, but these days ya hafta have some level of communication.
Reddog & Kathy, thanx for being there for Maxie. If you ever come up to Laconia for Bike Week, you'll hafta look up Mac & Gwynn, and I'll probably find out when, and get to meet you guys. Happy Trails.