Tuesday, August 21, 2007

...Of Guns and Shoes, and Bikes and Money

Personally, I find all four to be rather essential.  I know exactly which gun Mac wants, and he knows exactly which gun I want, and if we can find our way back to THAT FABULOUS PLACE CANUCK TOOK US TO, we'll try to work out who gets what, when I get there.  
In New Hampshire, unless you can get to a mall, a decent department store or a TJ Maxx, (which Mac just chucks his toys out of his cot, has a full-blown tanty and point-blank refuses to do, even for me, even in the face of The Look, and even in the face of threats of point-blank something else) there isn't one decent pair of shoes to be had in the whole State.  Trust me, I've been there before, looked to the point of exhaustion, ranted with frustration and disappointment, and, with overwhelming, trembling emotion, turned to the next best thing... the gunshops, which I have to say are extraordinary in number and "range"... ha ha ha.  And Bike Shops, too.  I'll be happy in the woods for a week.  Mac, I'm not bringing the girlies.  They just didn't like the sound of you.  Thought you were a madman, rather than a Macman.  Sorry.  I know how gutted you must be.
So people, its not shoes y'all have to worry about me spending money on anymore, hehehe..........  
Any chance of someone getting out to the airport with bail money?


tofeather said...

So, girl, where are you NOW ?????
When do you arrive back in New Hampster(quote Mac) OR "Nahampsha" as the locals call it here down in the Flat Lands.
I've found the best places for "Bike Stuff" to be the "Swap Meets", really cool (gently used) parts & stuff fro really short money. With an "Old" machine, brand new "stuff" just don't look right, and temps those who pay nothing at all for "Their" stuff, a.k.a. known as 5 finger discount, or THEFT ! ! ! To bad they don't have "Swap Shops" for shoes, no, Wait, they DO, their called "Yard Sales" - - -problem is Most people won't buy OR use "Used Shoes" ! !
Oh well, just rambling, se ya soon.

Mac_Muz said...

She, Max is here all safe and sound, other than I draged her to Riley's Guns on the way home..
I mean what better way yo take advantage of her, since she hadn't slept in a long time..

I looked a little for that place when we picked up the bike, but "they" made new roads so I missed it.

The store did have one of the guns I was lookin for sorta' wrong .22, though as I was interested in the North Amrican Arms .22 mag derringer. What they had was .22 short, long and long rifle version.

I am not so sure I really want one now I had my greasey mitts on it..

The one feature it can do well is fit in a jeans ft pocket.. Other than that it is tuff to reload, and tuffer to hold.. I can only wonder how you hang on to a mag when it goes bang with just 2 fingers... Another thing is the site says it is 20 pounds trigger pull... I'll give it that... I can't see why as it is a single action, and has safe notches in the clyinder.

The other might be interested in is either a S&W Airlite in .32 mag, or something like it. Can't seem to find a used one anywhere, or new for that matter.

If I did I wonder if a shoe with "a little" custom work might not make a pretty good holster?

Well at least Max didn't drag on any little blonde Cali girls... WAAAY out here to the sticks of NH!

I don't think there is enough Spruce Gum for them...