Friday, July 6, 2007

Hey bikess
I tried to phone you but got the dreaded "leave a message" thingie.How are ya doin and is the iron horse there yet? Im home from Dons.BOY this house feels empty. Have you contacted Nan yet? I was reading about the welding repair. I hope you used a good welder . Phone me when you get a chance Take care now Love Dad


Maxine Cook said...

Dad, I've had the devil's own job trying to contact Nancee, as neither of the numbers you gave me for her worked. Kerry has spoken to her, so she knows I'm ok, and he gave her Mac's number, which she phoned while I was out, and said she'd ring again, but so far hasn't. Gwyn pulled a number of her caller ID printout so I'm going to try that.

Maxine Cook said...

Dad I touched base with Nan. LOVE her accent!!! I hope she gave you the message that I'm safe. I couldn't be in better hands, actually, so whatever the whole point of thisdelay is, at least God has ensured I'm not vulnerable while I wait for the wheels to turn - literally. I hope you are adjusting to the empty spaces in the house. Thinking of you. I'll be at this number for probably another week, and remember that we are 16 hours behind you, but call me sometime soon, ok? I wanna hear from ya. Big love, Max.